Conflict Catcher 3 is a startup-file manager. If you press the spacebar as your Mac starts up, you’re shown a list of every extension and control panel in your Mac. At this pause in the Mac’s start-up sequence, you can switch extensions on or off (by clicking); rearrange the loading order (by dragging); view them sorted by type, name, or loading order; group them into mutually required, or mutually incompatible, clusters; or group them into named subsets. Conflict Catcher can actually show the names of your extension icons as they load.
Best of all: if you’re having some mysterious glitch or crash, you click on CC’s Conflict Test button. After a few restarts, CC triumphantly names the problem extension and even offers to turn it off for you.
For Power Mac users, CC has an added attraction. Unfortunately, pre-Power Mac, nonnative extensions exact a serious overall speed penalty on these machines. CC’s Report function tells you which extensions aren’t written in native code, and even hints at which ones will slow down your Power Mac the most.
This demo version expires 72 hours after you first use it — which is long enough to get out of whatever extension conflict you’re currently suffering!
What you need
System 7 or later.
Installation summary
Open the SOFTWARE SAMPLER folder on the CD-ROM. Open the Conflict Catcher 3 folder. Double-click the CC Installer‚Ñ¢ icon.
The manual
Most of Conflict Catcher 3’s manual is found within the Conflict Catcher 3 control panel itself. You can view these files by clicking the Help button of the control panel. In addition, there’s a helpful SimpleText document inside the Conflict Catcher 3 folder.
Notes and credits
Conflict Catcher 3 is from Casady & Greene, Inc. If you have any comments or questions please direct them to:
Casady & Greene, Inc., 22734 Portola Drive, Salinas, CA 93908-1119